[00:00:00] Welcome back to success. In mind today, we are diving into a topic that might surprise you. We're talking about why it's absolutely. Okay. If you're stepping into this new year. Without a single goal in mind. Yep. You heard me, right? No goals, no resolutions, no big plans. And guess what? That's completely fine. Let's unpack why?
You're listening to Success in Mind, the show for high performing leaders, changemakers, and entrepreneurs ready to take your life and business to the next level. If you're ready for whole life success, keep listening.
The start of a new year can feel like a giant wave of pressure. Social media is filled with posts about resolutions, vision boards, ambitious plans. Ins and outs for 2025, but here's the thing, your life and your growth do not operate on a [00:01:00] calendar. The shift from December 31st to January 1st. It doesn't magically demand that you have your entire life figured out. So if you're not feeling it, if you're feeling like , you just don't know what your goals are this year. Well, instead of rushing into it, consider this. What if you allowed yourself some breathing room. Some room to reflect. Recover and simply exist. The truth is that success is not about sprinting out of the gate. It's about consistency alignment.
Self-awareness. And sometimes those things take time to develop.
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I've hosted my business on Kajabi since 2015. And, spoiler alert, this podcast is hosted on Kajabi. You can even start your own podcast there. If you want to try Kajabi free for 30 days, click my link in the show notes and take that first step toward turning your passion into profit. Back to our show.
So if you're not into setting goals right now, what are you doing? Well, that's a great question. I'm glad you asked. This in-between period can be one of the most powerful seasons of your life if you embrace it. And here's why.
Reflection over resolution. Instead of focusing on what you want to achieve. Take a moment to reflect on what you've already accomplished. Celebrate your wins big or small from the previous year.
[00:03:00] What did you learn? What are you proud of? What's no longer serving you. These questions are the foundation for meaningful growth. And if you want to do a complete reflection of the past year, We talked about this, a few episodes back where he talked about reflecting on the past year. And I'll link that episode in the show notes for you.
There's also a PDF you can download with that episode. That will help you guide you through the entire process of your year end reflection. So take some time to reflect. Recharge your body and mind, let's be honest. We just came out of the holiday season and it can be. Draining. Jumping straight into goal setting and achievement mode can lead to burnout. Maybe you need a little more time to rest recharge and reconnect with yourself. Self-care is not just a buzzword here.
It's the fuel that keeps you going. So if you're in a season of [00:04:00] recharging and resting that's okay. Goal setting can come later. Clarity comes with time. So if you're just not sure, and maybe you want to be setting goals right now, but you're just not sure what those goals are. Well, maybe you just need time to let them emerge organically. When you're not forcing your goals when you're not forcing that vision board to come together. Often the best ideas will emerge naturally. By giving yourself space to think and dream. You'll gain clarity on what truly matters to you. Not what the world says you should prioritize.
So let's flip the script. Goals are not the ultimate measure of success. Here's what you can focus on instead. Focus on your intention over goals. Ask yourself. How do you want to feel this year? Do you want to feel energized, [00:05:00] focused, peaceful, inspired. When you prioritize your emotional state, your actions naturally aligned with what brings you joy and fulfillment. Take micro steps.
If you're itching to do something, start small. Instead of setting a massive goal that. You might just be setting because you should set it. Pick a small habit to work on. Maybe it's drinking more water every day or journaling for five minutes a day. These micro steps will help build momentum without overwhelming you.
live in the present. Remember life isn't about chasing the next milestone and your life is so much more than a series of milestones. It's about experiencing the journey. So be present. Savor those small moments and trust that your path will unfold. Just as it should. Now I'm speaking of all this today, because this has been on my mind.
[00:06:00] This is the first year in as long as I can remember that I have not had goals at the beginning of the year. And at first it was a little daunting and scary because I was thinking well, I'm the goal-setting girl. I talk about goal achievement.
I give keynotes on how to achieve your goals. I help my clients achieve goals. And here I am without a single goal in mind and nothing was coming to me. I mean, if I forced myself, I could sit down and I could come up with a bunch of goals for various areas of my life. I could set a financial goal and a business goal, and I could set goals for my personal growth and my, for my health. I could do all that, but none of it would have any meaning because it's not really. Inspired. If you don't have desire to achieve a goal, you are far less likely to achieve it.
In fact, I would go as far as to say you won't achieve it. If you have no desire to. Desire is the fuel that runs the [00:07:00] engine. If there is no desire to achieve your goals. You're not going to do it. I mean, think about it in terms of. A job. For those of you who are employed by someone else, or maybe you have been in the past, you've had a job where let's say you were given a sales quota, or you were set a target or a goal by your boss. If you weren't interested in achieving it, how easy was it for you to do it? Probably not very easy.
In fact, you probably fell short.
But if the goal comes from you and it's something you really desire to do, it is so much easier. It takes the friction out of it. So sure I could sit down and I could write out a bunch of goals. For every area of my life and they would have no meaning for me, there would be no desire to achieve them.
And I wouldn't fulfill them. And we've talked about this before, but I'm going to say it again, that the more often we don't achieve our goals. [00:08:00] It begins to affect our self-esteem. It begins to affect your confidence in your ability to achieve things. Now, I don't think it's realistic to achieve every single goal you set.
And if you never fail at your goals, well, then you're probably not trying hard enough. You're probably not aiming big enough. So, if you are succeeding at every single goal you have ever set in your life, then it's time to think a little bit bigger. But. If you're never achieving at your goals, if you feel like year after year, You're setting those same goals and falling short. You're failing to meet them.
That's going to affect you. That's going to hurt your self-esteem is going to affect your self worth. It's going to affect your confidence. So if that's the case. Then. Maybe focus on your habits right now, or small goals. And if you've been achieving all of your goals or overachieving on them, then it's time to set some bigger goals.
My [00:09:00] friend.
So I've been in this place where I've been feeling like for the first time I don't have any goals and it's been kind of bugging me.
And then I thought, well, what if I just gave myself permission? Two. Just trust. Trust that it will become clear.
And I'm gonna get a little spiritual here. So bear with me.
But I came to this point of understanding for myself that. This is the year I'm just going to let God drive the bus. And I'm just going to hand it over to God and say, You know, what's best for me, you know, what is best for my greatest good. My highest intention, you know, what's aligned with my soul's journey. So you direct me on where to go and I will listen and follow. And I'm doing this with absolute faith. That'll end up where you need to be. Now for those of you who are uncomfortable with the word, God. You can replace that with [00:10:00] spirit source, creator, universe, whatever, whatever works for you. But I'm going to use God.
That works for me. So that's what I'm up to this year and it's very different. It feels very different. And I'm trusting that in this process, the goals will become clear. As I allow God to direct me in the way that I meant to go this year.
I'll keep you posted on how that goes. But it's very different for me. It's a little uncomfortable because I feel like I'm not the one in control right now. But I'm okay with it. Some of you might recall about, I think it was about a year ago or so. I don't remember exactly when, but I had this dream and I shared it on an episode.
I'll link that one in the show notes to. I had a dream that my husband and I were in Whistler. Not in real life, but in the dream we were in Whistler and I woke up during the night. In the dream I woke up. And I went for a walk [00:11:00] and it was dark, like really dark out. And have you ever had those dreams where you're somewhere that, you know, but in the dream it doesn't look like the place, you know, So in my dream, I knew it was Whistler, but. It didn't look like Whistler. And I felt totally safe.
It wasn't like it was dark and creepy and scary out. I felt totally safe. But it was just dark outside and I was walking. And I can't remember where I was walking to or why I was walking in the dream. I just remembered that it was dark really dark, and I could only see a couple steps in front of me. It was really foggy, too. And I was walking down this path and the path took me across a bridge. And I was just trusting in the dream that. I was going the right way. Even though I couldn't see the path in front of me. And when I got to the other side of the bridge, there was a light, like a street light, not a lot of light, but there was a light. And I walked around there for a bit.
There were [00:12:00] houses, I think maybe some townhouses. And. Then it was time to come back. And when I turned to come back, There was. Uh, there was a moose on the path, a giant moose and. I stopped and I watched the moose. And the moose watched me back kind of looked each other in the eyes for a bit. And I waited for the moose to carry on so that I can continue on the path and come back.
And it was just this. Sense of trusting and having faith that I was going the right way. That I didn't need to see the path to trust that I was on the path.
And that dream has stuck with me. And I think that that's where I am right now. I'm trusting. That even though I can't see the path more than a step or two in front of me. And I'm trusting I'm on the right path and going the right way.
So that's where I'm at right now. And I wonder if any of you are [00:13:00] feeling the same way.
Now I want to be clear here though.
I think there's a big difference between having faith and trusting and allowing our goals to unfold. Allowing the vision to come into focus, allowing things to get clear. There's a difference between that.
And just drifting along without a vision without goals, without a direction.
There's a very fine line there because if we're drifting, we end up nowhere.
There's a saying that the. If you're going with the flow. You're a dead fish. And you're going to end up on the rocks.
But we can swim downstream. And make things a lot easier. And that's maybe what this is about.
So, yeah, that's where I'm at with goal setting. I'm just going to allow it. And in this process, once I surrender to that and just.
Gave myself permission to trust and allow things to become clear. Uh, goal did come to mind just [00:14:00] the other day. And that was to increase the downloads per month of this podcast to 15,000 per month. Right now I get between five and 10,000. And I want to increase it to 15. I think it's very doable. I'm going to ask for your help.
This is my shameless plug and asking for your help that if you enjoy this podcast, Share it, please, please share it on social media. Tag me on it. If you want, if you me on it, I will give you a shout out back. Um, but share the podcast. And also, if you haven't left a review, please leave a review rate and review the show on Spotify.
On apple, wherever you listen to your podcasts. Wherever you're listening to this podcast, leave a five-star rating. And if you have the ability to leave a written review, like on apple, Please leave a written review. It just tells the algorithm that you like the show. And then the algorithm sees it more.
People might like the show and that'll help me to reach my goal.
So that's [00:15:00] my shameless plug for that goal, but that's the only thing I have figured out so far. And I haven't written. On the wall of my office. I mean, not written right on the wall, but on a. Uh, giant.
Giant piece of flip chart paper stuck on my wall, 15,000 monthly downloads. That's where we're going. That's where I want to take the show.
So, let me tell you a quick story about one of my clients who came to me last January and she was feeling. Really similarly to where I am right now. And maybe where you are too. She was feeling completely stuck. Because she had no idea what she wanted to achieve and she felt like she was falling behind.
But instead of forcing herself to set goals, she gave herself permission to pause. She spent a few months focusing on what made her happy. Reading going for walks, spending time with her family and friends. And by about midway through the year, she discovered a new passion for writing. Which has turned into a blog that she [00:16:00] absolutely loves, and that blog is turning into revenue now. And is helping her grow her business. So sometimes the best things happen when we let go of the timeline. And we just trust and allow things to unfold as they need to. This doesn't mean you don't take action.
You still move forward. She still had to do the things that she loved doing the reading, the walking, spending time with her loved ones. And that's what brought clarity to her.
So, remember we're not drifting aimlessly through life. This is allowing things to unfold as they should. So if you have started this year without goals, Give yourself permission to pause permission, to reflect, to recharge to rest. And trust that your path will be revealed. its own time. And remember January 1st is just one day of the year. Every day. Is the beginning of a new year. Whether it's today, January [00:17:00] 16th or it's February 19th or August 10th, whatever it is. That can be the start of your year.
So we don't need to set goals at the beginning of the year, just because there's so much talk about it. And I mean, if you have set goals this year, that's okay, too. That's totally. Okay. I think the beginning of anything is just a natural time to set goals and reflect. But if you're not there yet. It's okay.
So I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Have you taken a break from goal setting? Did it impact your life? Share your story with me on social media, or you can email me, I'll put my email in the show notes. And you can always find me on any social media platform at the Teri Holland, but mostly I'm on Instagram.
So that's the best way to reach out to me. And if you want some support along the way, by aligning your goals with your values. Well, then book a [00:18:00] consultation with me. I will link that in the show notes to. So thank you for tuning in today for listening to this episode. If you enjoyed the conversation. Be sure to subscribe and leave your review. Because that helps me achieve my goals.
So here is two, a year of intentional meaningful growth. At your own pace.
That I'll be back again next week with another great guest interview. Next week I'm joined by Jaime Bell of contracts market, and we're talking all things, business contracts. And if you're thinking, oh, contracts, that sounds so dry. No, no, no, no. This conversation is so good. And we'll leave you feeling empowered to make really solid legal decisions in your business. So you're going to want to tune in for it. And until then, Take care. Keep thriving. And I'll see you again soon.
My friends bye for [00:19:00] now.