[00:00:00] If AI can replace you, it means that you're not good enough. Okay. It, it means that you don't do your maximum.
We'll come back to another episode of success in mind. Today we have the pleasure of welcoming back. Yahel Demeter in our last conversation, we delved into various aspects of brand differentiation. And how you can set yourself apart from your competitors. Well, after getting such incredible feedback on that episode, I decided to invite Yahel back for another round. And this time we're looking ahead at this new year 2025 and exploring the exciting possibilities that AI represents for your business. We'll talk about how AI can create endless opportunities from flattening, the learning curves. And even helping you to start a side business. We also talk about the importance of authentic connection to your business and to your customers and how to leverage AI without losing this essential connection. [00:01:00] So, whether you're a business owner looking for innovative ways to grow your business. Or you're simply curious about the future of AI. This episode is full of insights and actionable advice.
So sit back, relax, and let's dive into the future of business with the Yahel Demeter.
And for those of you who don't already know who Yahel is, he is a business growth strategist with 22 years of experience who helps businesses of any kind and size to reach their business goals faster and smarter by creating new target markets, products and services.
And by using solid differentiation on a personal note, I worked with Yahel earlier this year, or I guess earlier last year. On my rebrand and getting really clear on my messaging and my offers. It was an incredible experience. I highly recommend him. I will link his website in the show notes. And if you go to my website, you will see the beautiful new website that I have.
Thanks to Yahel. Anyway, let's get back to the show.
[00:02:00] You're listening to Success in Mind, the show for high performing leaders, changemakers, and entrepreneurs ready to take your life and business to the next level. If you're ready for whole life success, keep listening.
Welcome back, Yahel. Good to have you on.
Thank you for having me again.
Uh, we had such a great conversation last time that I really enjoyed and I know the audience really enjoyed it. So, so here we are, here we are once again.
And what we're talking about today and why I was excited to bring you back on was in looking ahead to 2025 and what we can expect in terms of business trends Um, what we can see coming, I'd love to hear your perspectives on what do you, what do you anticipate? What are the trends we should be watching for, for 2025?
I think that, um, 2025 will be the year of the endless possibilities and opportunities. I think that there is a special scenario now, uh, with the rise of the [00:03:00] AI capabilities and the economic situation that will open so many doors for so many people.
Cool. How so?
Today we have in our hands more information and more knowledge than all the historians and philosophers ever had.
Now part of us use this information just to scroll on social media, but most of us can use it for two different things. I think that most people will use it to do what they do better, right? Whether they work for somebody else and whether they, they have a business, they are business owners. And some of them will actually use it to open a side business
the Learning curve AI makes the Learning curve curve flat.
Oh, okay. Think about it. If you wanted to open a business up until a couple of years ago, you had to learn about marketing, you [00:04:00] had to learn about copywriting, you had to learn how to, how to launch a website, you had to learn how to launch a business. Right? Yep. So the learning curve was like that. Today it's flat.
AI brings you all the information you need and want without you having to fetch that information. You don't have to look for anything. Today AI can launch a website for you, can create content for you, can, can launch an app for you. Teri
Wow. Yeah.
Okay. So it's the year of the endless opportunities.
That's amazing. So, so then a business owner or a, a new business owner could just focus on the business, just focus on what it is they're selling or what it is that they're providing and not worry about learning all these other skills.
Yes. In, in a way, yes, because I, I think, I think business owners will, will be available to think about new revenue streams 'cause operating the business will become easier.[00:05:00]
Interesting. Now, how about people who are afraid of AI, or business owners who are afraid of using it, afraid of implementing it, who think it's going to take over their business, what would you say to that?
Also, my opinion about that is very clear. I don't think that AI will replace anyone, anyone, okay?
But, and there's a huge but here, I think that people will not accept the fact that there is AI. will quickly lose their competitive advantage. They will not lose their profession, but the competitive advantage. For example, if I open a business, right? And you open the same business and I use AI to, not to cut the corners, but, um, to make distances shorter.
You know what I mean?
But to, to work faster. I will have a competitive advantage over you. We are both applying for the same job in any organization. And you [00:06:00] know, AI, even the basic stuff, right? And I don't, you have the competitive advantage. Okay. It doesn't mean that it will replace you or me, but you have an advantage.
Another way to look at it is that if you work for somebody else, if you're an employee of an organization and you know, a very basic AI, you can open a side business. That will bring you more income, okay? Maybe later on, it will be your main business, your main source of income. And connecting the dots between what I said earlier and what I said now, I think that with this economic situation, people will have no choice than to open side businesses.
Yeah. Yeah. I can see that. And so can you give us an idea of like, what kind of side business could you start with AI? Is it anything or specific kinds of businesses? Yeah.
So the answer is any kind of business.
Any kind of [00:07:00] business, uh, you, you can open with AI. I think that mostly online services are more easier to open with AI.
Not, not physical product. Right. That's what I think. Maybe an app, even a mailing list that gives some, some content to its readers.
I think it was very easy to open with AI.
Interesting. I know that in podcasting, you can now create an entirely AI generated podcast with AI hosts, AI guests, like you don't even have to have a person involved.
I'm not sure how I feel about that, but you can do it now. It's
possible. Yeah. So if the listener, if, if the listener is also an AI, it will be perfect. I still believe that people want to hear people.
Yeah, I agree.
And AI is now in the stage that I don't want to say that you can easily guess what AI and what's not because sometimes it's not that easy.
But over time, I think over a few episodes, you will be able to tell [00:08:00] if, if you're listening to AI.
Yeah, I would think so. I haven't listened to any of them. But now I think I should. I'm curious what they sound like. I know that I can tell if I'm reading someone's content that's written by AI that they haven't edited or changed.
Mainly by the emojis, and there are certain words that AI likes to use that humans don't use as often.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. So I don't know if you ran across it online, but there is this dictionary of Chachapiti that gives you all the words that Chachapiti really likes.
Oh, that's interesting. I haven't come across that.
That's interesting. Yeah, because I see it. I see it a lot on LinkedIn is where I'll notice it. And I'm like, no, no human uses a briefcase emoji in. Yeah.
So, so I can't remember now, but, but, um, there is a word, maybe I will, I will remember it later. There is a word that Chachapiti really uses a lot. Nevermind.
Yeah. I will, I will say it if I, if I remember.
Sounds good. So [00:09:00] what are some other ways that we could be using AI to help us in business or in jobs or, um, what are some things we should be looking for?
I think that in everything connected to marketing and content creation, AI is a good solution. It is a good solution.
Again, it doesn't mean that it replaces people who create. This content, right? But now they can create it faster and better. Okay. For example, I'll just give you a quick example. If for example, in the past, if you wanted to have that background behind me is actually real, but, but if you want it to have a nice background behind you, you had to go to Ikea to get something from Ikea to go and get from Amazon this, uh, this background or whatever it was, you had to make an effort.
So you had to. You had to buy lights, right? You had to make an effort to, to, to make it look nice. Now with AI, you can't, you don't,
really don't. You can create [00:10:00] everything, anything you want. So in terms of content, it makes everything easier. You don't have to convert video files. You don't have to put the subtitles on, right?
It just makes things easier. However, I believe that in a few years from now. It will be able to generate content in a very, very high level.
A very high level.
Yeah. Well, I know for me in podcasting, it has shortened my editing time tremendously. Cause it takes a lot of the, the editing away, like the fine tuning and the taking out filler words, cleaning up the, the sound, leveling it, all this stuff.
It'll just do it automatically or even creating clips of the show. Like this will, after we're done here. I press a button and the AI in this program is going to pull clips from the show that I can share on social media, and it'll add the subtitles, it will level out the sound, everything, and then I just have to share it.
That's exactly what I say. It didn't [00:11:00] replace you, right? Now, I'm going to say something very harsh, and I'm standing behind every You know me already, right? And I'm standing behind every word of it. If AI can replace you, it means that you're not good enough. Okay? It means that you don't do your maximum.
Okay? Not good enough professionally. It means that you're not giving your best.
Okay. Because, because if you're giving your best, and if you're doing your maximum, and you're doing what you're doing, the computer will never be able to, to replace you. You will change the way you do things. You will evolve, right?
You will develop yourself with it, thanks to the AI, thanks to the computers. But, if you will not do that, it means But you don't do your maximum. They say, okay, I'm good where I am. And that's it. If you're good, you get what I mean? Yeah. It sounds harsh, but it's less harsh than it is.
Yeah. [00:12:00] Yeah. You had me worried there for a moment.
I thought I was going to be in trouble for something.
No, no, no, no.
Yeah. That's interesting. Do you think that there, you know, do you think there are businesses or jobs that will be completely replaced by AI? Like just sort of as a general?
Changed. Yes. Changed.
Changed. Okay. Yeah.
And I think that those who will not accept the change will disappear.
Okay. You need to do those things. You need to accept the change and see what you can do with the change. Right? Yeah. But you know, I want to talk about something else with AI. Let's say that up until maybe six years ago, five, six years ago, you would have to To go through certain learning curve or certain experiences to open a business to, to understand what you want to do in your life, to understand what you're good at, right?
So the [00:13:00] average age to open a business was around 20, early twenties. Okay. No, not ever. Sorry. The, uh, the, the entry level age was around mid twenties. Okay. Today, I see lots of teenagers who open their businesses. You know why? Two things. First of all, they use AI. Second, because they use AI, they are able to open more than one business in one time.
Okay? Because everything is faster. Everything is much more efficient, right? You can open, not one business, you can open five businesses, see which one works better and stay with it, stick with it and then expand it or, or, or, or multiply it, right? Just copy it to something else, okay? So that's, that's a trend that I see.
That's a trend that I see. Another trend, for example, is that parents understand that, okay? But they don't [00:14:00] know how to, How to help their kids to find it, to find what they want to do, right? They don't have the skills because everything changes so fast.
Yep. Yeah. So how, how can parents help their, their kids then?
I think that because, because, because things are happening so fast and the, the technology moves so, so, so fast. I don't think that parents today know how to give their teenagers, their kids the best advice for their careers. Because my parents, for example, when they developed their careers, it was just a ladder.
That's an example that I always like to give. It was just a ladder. You start the first stage and you climb until retirement, right?
Today is, it's more about like a climbing wall. Okay. You have the starting point, you have the end point, and you [00:15:00] have a million ways to go from one point to another, right?
Because of things like AI, because entrepreneurship becomes younger, because you have the bandwidth to create. More and more ideas until you really understand what you want to do in your life. So I think that today it's, it's all about giving young adults the entrepreneurial skills, not knowledge, skills, learning skills, communication skills, critical thinking, knowing what their strength.
Yeah, interesting. That's
the kind of skills that I think that today that parents should give their kids, especially when we're talking about the developments like AI.
Yeah, absolutely. And how do you see, I mean, you mentioned earlier that in, it makes you more competitive in terms of the job market, being able to work with AI, but can you expand on that and tell us more how it would impact someone, say in a corporate role or someone entering the job force, how they can use AI [00:16:00] or how AI can help them to be more competitive?
A hundred percent. I think that AI will affect organizations in. First of all, I think that it will help many organizations to think like startups, to be able to implement ideas. Very fast. Okay. And test ideas very fast. Second, I think that AI will, will give a huge boost for entrepreneurship within organizations that employees will be able to, to think outside of the box because now they have the skills.
Now it's not that you have a manager who knows better than you, tells you what to do. And it's not that you know better than your manager, but you have now the tools to understand the business scenario of the organization better. And if you have this, the tools to understand the business scenario, [00:17:00] and you really want to do something, right?
You, you have the entrepreneur's spark within you. Okay. You think to yourself, you know what? We can do it better. We can do it. Otherwise.
So, you will think of something and you will go to your manager and you will go to your supervisor, to your boss, okay? And you will, you will offer this kind of, uh, idea.
And it will be much more baked than before, right? Because you have a better oven.
Right. Yeah. That makes sense. It makes a lot of sense.
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So, let me circle back to, um, to the side businesses. Okay. Because I think that this would catch the interest of many of your, of your listeners. Yeah.
I think that, I'll give you an example.
Let's say you, let's say you bake bread and up until now, you thought that if you want to sell your bread, you need to have a shop, right? You need to have a brick and mortar shop, like a bakery, right? Today, with the right permits, of course, you can bake it in your house. You can market it through marketplace.
Mm hmm.
[00:19:00] AI can generate your content, AI can build your website, right? Mm hmm.
AI can actually create an app for you that will enable people to, to, to order something or to make the shipments faster. Yeah. Let's take another example. Let's say that you have knowledge in something that you want to share with the world.
Okay. But you work, you have a nine to five job. Okay. You can use AI to. Help you create the content based on, on guidelines that you will provide the computer
a prompt, you can create the images, you can create all content with AI, and you can just send it through an email list. Okay. That would be fully automated.
Then you can monetize this mailing list. So there are tons of examples, Terry, [00:20:00] people who took something they're very good at. Okay. And used skills that they have and technological solutions like AI to do something with it. It can be an extra 1, 000 per month and can be 10, 000 per month, right?
I have a client now who runs an online store, a very successful online store that he now, he now combined an AI bot and within the products page of his, uh, of his store.
It increased the engagement. And when I say engagement, I mean, people add products to the basket and then pay for them in three, in 13 percent monthly percent after two weeks, 30.
Wow. That's amazing.
So AI didn't replace [00:21:00] anyone. It just made the life of so many people. So much better.
Yeah. Interesting.
So it didn't replace by the way, the support, for example, the support team or the sales team. Okay. Because there are people who are still looking to buy from actual people. Okay.
But it helped people. That's a very important part of understanding
the connection between entrepreneurship and owning a business and AI. It helps you to know what you don't know, to ask the right questions.
Okay? Because once you ask the right question, you know where to look for an answer.
That's, that's the basic.
So you've talked about, you've mentioned quite a few times how AI can help us generate content.
Are there downfalls to that? You know, so I'm thinking like if someone's using AI to create all their blog content, for [00:22:00] example, or their website content, like what are, what are some of the downsides that we should be aware of in doing that?
I'll answer this from a completely different angle than you do expect.
Okay. I think that while AI will help, will tremendously help you to create content and with some of the AI features and, and applications. It, it can be, it can be very, very good, but I think that people listen to this and highlight this for your listeners, people who use too much AI will lose the connection with their business.
Okay. Yeah. And once you lose the connection to your business, that's the first day of the end of your business. Ooh. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. The whole point, whole point, very off. of owning a small business is that it's you.
[00:23:00] It's you. It reflects you. It reflects who you are, your story, your authenticity, your, your, your ambitions, your, the impact you want to make.
And once you lose it, you lose it. Once you lose the small things, the big things, the big ideas, the being constant, follow them.
Yeah, absolutely.
And of course, that sometimes it sounds too robotic, right, or, or too fake.
But that's obvious. Yeah. What business owners should remember is that once they lose the connection to the business, they're doomed.
Right. Yeah.
It's, it's like burnout, for example. Burnout is the same thing. Burnout just disconnects with their business. And you need to reinvent yourself or to find different avenues.
I've been there. Okay. And so, so that's what we're looking ahead to for 2025. Is there anything that you see that we should be leaving behind and not carrying forward [00:24:00] into this new year?
What I wish or what we're actually leaving behind? Let's do,
Maybe it's the same. Okay. The fake authenticity.
Oh, yeah.
People, I felt that there was a huge, uh, buzz around authenticity over the past one, two years.
And I think that people interpreted it wrong, okay? People thought that authenticity is sharing everything.
What they ate, who they love, uh, when they're going to sleep, right? Yeah. Yeah. But that's not authenticity. Authenticity is just for small business owners is to make sure that the connection between you and your business is not fake, that your business is you and you're your business, right?
Is the connection between who you are as a person, who you are as a brand and who you are as a business owner.
And I think [00:25:00] that's, that, that, that's the key here. So if we will be able to leave this faker authenticity behind, I will be very happy.
Yeah, me too. Me too. It always amazes me when I see people create videos on social media where they're, you know, they've obviously been having a difficult moment and they're crying and they're upset about something and then they turn on a camera to share that with their followers and And my feeling is that they're trying to be authentic and share this vulnerable moment.
But the moment you stop what you're doing, and you set up your camera, and you press the record button, you're no longer in that moment. It's not real anymore.
I couldn't agree more. Yeah. Couldn't agree more. And that's, by the way, what I don't like about social media. I think that social media, because the fact that it gives much more attention to the bad things, right?
Yep. It makes your life worse. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Definitely. I saw something that was really [00:26:00] refreshing the other day was I saw a business owner that I know she shared on, she shared a video on her Instagram of all the things that didn't work out for her in 2024. So instead of her highlight reel of these are all the like, Oh, yeah.
That everyone else shows, like, these are all my wins. She's like, this is what I put on my vision board. And this was the reality. I wanted to make this much money and this is how much I actually made. But then she also talked about the positives of it, how that caused her to redirect her business. And now she's doing stuff she's more excited about that she wouldn't have thought of before.
So she took a positive spin on it, but she showed both sides of like, this is what I wanted at the beginning of the year. These were all the challenges I had to overcome and this is where I ended up and she's like, where I ended up is not where I thought I'd be and it's better. But it was so refreshing to hear someone talk about these were the losses this year and then to still be able to spin that in a positive way and say, but it's, it worked out better.
Cause I think so often we just focus on this is my win. This is my win and don't show the reality of the struggle of the business [00:27:00] owner.
So I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm not sure I'm a hundred percent there.
Over the year, because, because I feel that when you share your, your failing in business is something that you need to go through.
I mean, it's not, it is a cliche, but it's, it's reality. If you didn't fail. In your entire career, you did something wrong. You played in the safe zone, in the comfort zone, whatever it is. Just what I told you before, before we started this, uh, this podcast, if there is this saying that if your dreams don't scare you, they're not big enough or something like that, right?
It fits right here. Okay. Thank you. So, I think that failure is important.
Agreed. Going
outside of your comfort zone, fail, learn from your fail, is important. But I think that there is a way, there is a proper way [00:28:00] to share fail, failures. Because if you share it from a very, from a very, um, patronizing place, it makes the other person feel like a failure.
Right. They don't learn from your failure.
Right. They
say, okay, now, now she's super successful. She failed, but look how successful she is.
When you share failures, even if you share them from a very successful place, okay, first of all, and, and, and we are connected, connecting to the authenticity. Right.
First of all, you need to make sure that you're not patronizing. Now I'm here, you're there. I failed. You need to fail in order to get to where I am. Right. That's patronizing. But. If you say, these were my struggles, this is how I solved them, this is what people like me will probably, um, will probably [00:29:00] experience.
This is what I recommend them to do. That's failures.
Mm hmm.
Learning from failures. Right? Yeah. And giving people actual tools, actual takeaways to work with. Okay. So again, authenticity is important, but you need to know how to, how to be authentic, how to share. Pieces of information with authenticity.
Right. Yeah. Yeah. I agree. I agree with that. So last time on the show, I had Christy Powers on, on the last episode, and she passed along a question she would like to ask you, which is what legacy would you like to leave behind?
I think that, uh, I decided that, that in, uh, in 2025, I want to more, to work more with teenagers.
Because it's not that I'm concerned, right, about the next generation or something, but I feel that, that I have the knowledge and the skills to [00:30:00] pass on the, the entrepreneurial skills they need to, to be successful, to, to thrive. Because I totally think that entrepreneurial skills is a must, is a knowing who your competitors are.
Knowing, uh, who you are, what you are good at, and what do you offer to the world, and who your target market is. It doesn't matter if you open a business or you go to work for somebody else, or you want to ask someone on a date, right? Yeah. You need to look at your, at your, at your situation, your scenario.
As a business scenario with entrepreneurial skills, and that's the legacy that I want to leave behind to, to change people's lives, not to help because, because what, what I do today, and I'm, and I'm very happy with it, right, and I like it very much. I have people to basically the bottom line is to make more money.
Right. And to, and to be [00:31:00] more happy in what they do. Right. And the end result of it is to make more money. It's not that I'm, I'm profits oriented.
I'm more
of a, you know, the connection between you and your brand oriented. But once you're connected, you are successful without an effort. And we talked about it last time, right?
That's differentiation. And when it comes effortless, you make more money with less effort. So it's the by product of that. So I do this and I really like it, but I want to make an impact. I want to change people's lives. That's what I want to do.
And I think a teenager is the right target market for that.
Yeah. I agree. Yeah. Right. And what's a question you would like to pass along to the next guest without knowing who they are?
Okay. What would they do if they knew they wouldn't fail, but they can talk about it with anyone?
I mean, what do they do for a [00:32:00] living?
If what business, for example, they will start if they knew that this business wouldn't fail?
Yeah. Yeah. But they can't share with, they can't share it with anyone, not with their partners, friends.
Wow. Nobody
will know that you're a pilot, that you're a baker. Nobody will know that.
Interesting. Oh, that's a good question.
Yeah. I would be a pilot, by the way.
Yeah. Yeah. Even if you couldn't tell anyone, you couldn't tell anyone you'd still be a pilot.
Yeah. Oh, I'm going to have to give that one some thought. That's a good question. And any last final words you want to leave with the audience today?
I think that, that's We're going to be, to have a very, very, uh, interesting year ahead of us. A couple of years, actually, because again, as I said earlier, I think the opportunities will, will be there.
I think that, uh, [00:33:00] I think we just have to seize them.
And I have to ask you about your bracelet because I keep noticing it.
This? So, uh, I have many of these here.
Uh, my daughter makes it on, makes them, um, on an hourly basis. And a few days ago, she came to me and she asked me if I wear them at all. Um, I took it as a challenge.
I told her that they will wear it 24 seven for the whole month. And then I thought about it, how happy she was.
Yeah. Once
I told her that I will wear it even for meetings and for podcasting interviews, never everywhere. And. Every time that, that it feels uncomfortable and trust me when, when you have a hand, when you have hair on your hand, this, uh, rubber bracelets are, are not comfortable.
Yeah. Every
time it pulls the hair out, um, I tell myself that [00:34:00] sometimes it's a reminder that sometimes the small things that we do, um, makes a huge difference in somebody else's world. Because now she's so proud.
She asked me today, are you going to wear this for Teri's interview? Yes. 100%. 100%.
Oh, I will show
you that.
Perfect. Yeah. I'm so glad you did wear it. I love that. Thank you so much for coming on again. I really appreciate this.
100%. I'm happy to be here again.
Now I know that you know, that nothing happens without action. So what are you going to do differently after listening to today's episode? Are you going to maybe spend some time trying out AI, if you haven't already, are you going to look for ways that you can use AI to help you innovate in your business or to shorten the workload of some of those tasks that you really don't like doing? I'm curious how you are using AI in your business or how you plan to in the future.
Drop me a [00:35:00] message at the Teri Holland on Instagram. And let me know how you are using AI or how you might consider it in the future. Thanks for joining us today to learn more about your health and what he offers. His link is in the show notes. Make sure that you check out his website and as always have a fantastic day, I will see you again. Later this week.
Bye for now, my friends.