Who Is Leading Your Business?

There needs to be a clear leader in a business to avoid chaos and loss of direction. This episode explores the role of the leader in shaping the vision, mission, values, and purpose of the business and aligning the values of team members to the overall goal.

Key points in this episode:

• Even a solopreneur needs to be the leader of their own business, or the clients will take control, leading to exhaustion and a lack of boundaries.

• The absence of leadership results in a lack of direction and goals in a business.

• Not everyone is cut out to be the CEO of a company, but it is important to have someone leading the ship.

• Everyone in the business should operate as a leader within their specific role.

• When building a team, it's essential to hire people who bring skills and perspectives that complement one's own.

• The values of the business owner become the guiding principles for the business.

• In some cases, both parties can't be the leader, and it's best to part ways.

Need a Values Alignment for your business? Book a consultation to see if we're a fit to work together: Book a call

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