#287: Discovering Joy and Success in Reading with Dr. Danny Brassell

Episode #287

Welcome to another insightful episode of 'Success in Mind'. Our guest, Dr. Danny Brassell, a passionate advocate for joyous reading, acclaimed author, and dynamic personality, discusses the transformative power of reading and its vital role in personal and professional growth.

This intriguing conversation revolves around Dr. Brassell's inspiring journey and immense passion for literature. Explore how literature can drive positive change, the connection between leadership and literacy, and the importance of habit formation toward success. 

Get a free e-book copy of Dr. Danny Brassell's book, "Read, Lead & Succeed"  http://freeGIFTfromDANNY.com

Key Takeaways:

  • Bringing joy back into education and the workplace is essential for success.
  • Reading is a powerful tool for leadership development.
  • Developing a reading habit requires consistency and incorporating reading into daily life. 
  • Finding joy in reading and making it a regular habit is key.

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